Divides two numbers, but returns zero upon division by zero.
number #DIV divisor
1 #DIV 2 equals 0.5
1 #DIV 0 equals 0
Divide by zero: / vs. #DIV
In database expressions such as eligibility selection expressions, data default expressions, database field Benefit Formula Component expressions and individual aggregate minimum basis expressions, division may be represented either by the slash symbol “/” or the function “#DIV”. When the slash is used, dividing by zero will result in a DOMAIN error except for 0/0 which will result in a 1. When #DIV is used in these expressions, all divisions by zero will result in a 0.
In benefit expressions, such as benefit formulas of Benefit Definitions, lifetime maximums and annual limits, subformula Benefit Formula Components, COLA expressions, and accrual basis expressions, ProVal internally converts all slashes “/” to “#DIV”, so regardless of which is used, all divisions by zero in these benefit expressions will result in 0.