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Additional Contributions & 420 Transfers

Additional Contributions & 420 Transfers (U.S. qualified mode) or Additional Contributions (other modes)

This is the U.S. qualified mode topic title. In all other modes, this topic is simply entitled “Additional Contributions”. “420 Transfers” refers to a qualified transfer of excess pension assets from plan funds earmarked for pension benefits to a separate health benefits account to the extent permitted under the provisions of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 420. (For guidance, see the applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code and related Regulations, IRS Notices, Revenue Rulings and Revenue Procedures.)

Under this topic, you specify the assumed experience of the plan’s assets, over the period of the deterministic forecast, with respect to cash flow elements other than benefit payments, expenses paid from plan funds, employee contributions (if any) and employer contributions anticipated by the contribution policy, leaving as the possible “ins” and “outs” only employer contributions in excess of the amount determined by the employer Contribution Policy parameter of the Contribution Policy topic of your Asset & Funding Policy and plan fund transfers per IRC section 420.

You may specify the experience separately for each forecast year (up to 100 years, the number of years permitted in a Core Projection), starting with the first forecast year (year beginning on the first forecast valuation date), which is denoted as Year 1. The experience of the second forecast year, or year beginning on the second forecast valuation date, would be entered on the line for Year 2, and so forth. The experience of the baseline year, or year beginning on the baseline valuation date and ending at the first forecast valuation date, is entered in the Asset & Funding Policy: an additional employer contribution is entered under the Contribution Policy topic and a 420 transfer is entered under the Initial Asset Values topic.

Maximum Section 420 Transfer is the desired dollar amount (e.g., $150,000) of assets to transfer, subject to the availability of transferable funds. Hence, ProVal might transfer a lesser amount than the maximum amount entered here, or no amount at all if there are no excess assets at the forecast valuation date. Furthermore, if the limitation entered here exceeds the statutory limits (see relevant Internal Revenue Service pronouncements, including IRC section 420 (b) (3)), ProVal will reduce the amount of the assumed actual transfer accordingly. Note: Generally this parameter does not pertain to a plan year beginning before 1990 or after 2005. The timing of 420 transfers during forecast years is determined by the value of the Fraction of year when transfer will occur parameter of the Initial Asset Values topic of the Asset & Funding Policy.

Enter the dollar amount (e.g., $500,000) of Additional Contributions, which are amounts used to adjust the employer contributions determined by the Contribution Policy parameter of the Contribution Policy topic of your Asset & Funding Policy. These adjustments may be specified as either additional amounts or target amounts, by the option selected for the Additional contributions are treated as parameter.

Note that the additional contributions (those entered directly and those determined by ProVal based on the target contribution amounts) may be negative; however, in the U.S. qualified and Canadian registered pension modes, ProVal will apply the minimum and maximum contribution constraints, thus limiting the additional amounts as necessary to avoid payment of a total employer contribution in excess of the maximum tax deductible amount.

The timing of employer contributions during forecast years is determined by the settings of the timing parameters of the Contribution Policy topic of the Asset & Funding Policy.