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Contribution Policy Data

pension modes except German

The Contribution Policy Data topic allows you to calculate a funding contribution amount based on the attributes of the valuation census, such as a per-participant contribution that varies depending on the participant's location or division or, possibly, their age or years of service. This potential funding contribution amount is determined (for active participants only) as part of the valuation or core projection and is called "Contribution Policy Data" in the output and sample life results. The data can be referenced for a Valuation Set or a forecast by specifying a contribution policy of "Defined by Participant in Plan Definition" under the Asset & Funding Policy Contribution Policy topic.  

The Contribution Policy Data dialog lists all of the Contribution Definitions library entries that have already been identified as potential funding contribution amounts for this Plan Definition. ProVal will Calculate a potential Asset & Funding Policy contribution as the sum of:  these specified Contributions library entries. To edit an existing contribution, highlight the name of the Contribution and click the Edit button. To create a new contribution, click the New button. To add or omit existing Contributions, click the Add/Omit button, which leads you to a list of Contributions unhidden in the current project. Check off any Contributions to include in the plan as a potential funding contribution and uncheck any Contributions you wish to omit from the plan. 

You may notice, when either editing a Contribution library entry or creating a new one from this Contribution Policy Data topic, that there are no refund of employee contributions parameters displayed, but the same library entry entered directly from the Contribution Definitions library will display these parameters. The refund parameters are suppressed under this Contribution Policy Data topic because, whether or not parameterized, they will be ignored during processing.

It is possible, albeit unusual, to reference the same Contributions library entry for employee contributions and funding contributions in a Plan Definition. In this case, the calculations are carried out separately, displayed separately in the output, and are likely to differ from each other. In particular, besides potentially having a refund feature, employee contributions are valued in accordance with the Timing assumed for Employee Contributions parameter under the Liability Methodology topic of the Valuation Assumptions, but contribution policy data is always determined at the beginning of the year. Consistent with the calculation of actual employee contributions in a forecast, rather than expected employee contributions, Contribution Policy Data is calculated for employees at 100% retirement age.