Delete Records
The Delete Records command allows you to delete records in the current database chosen by a selection expression. The dialog box displayed by this command lets you enter the selection expression or retrieve an expression from the selection expression library.
Selection expression limits the number of records to be deleted. You have the option to write an expression which selects the records that you wish to keep or delete. To select all records, use the Selection Expression “RecID > 0”.
Select the Delete selected records option if your Selection Expression selects records you wish to delete from the current database.
Select the Keep only selected records option if your Selection Expression selects records you wish to keep in the current database.
Pack file after deleting records? eliminates this unused space by packing the database after deleting records. Deleting records may create large amounts of unused space in the database file. If you have more processing to do on the database and would prefer to pack it at the end of the processing, select No.
The command will inform you of how many records are selected for deletion and ask you for confirmation before actually deleting the records.
Warning! Be careful when using deleting records. It is not possible to recover records once they have been deleted from a database.