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Most Valuable Accrual Rates

For the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuities (QJSA) and Qualified Social Security Supplements (QSUPP), ProVal displays the Retirement benefit(s) from plan definition, according to the Plan Definition selected under the U.S. Nondiscrimination Accrual Rates command. ProVal will use the listed retirement benefit(s) to calculate most valuable accrual rates, adding together benefit values from multiple retirement benefits. Often the most valuable benefit is not the plan’s normal form of benefit payment: for example, a joint and survivor annuity that a retiring participant might elect is generally more valuable than a life annuity normal form of payment. Therefore, in this case, if the Plan Definition does not include a Benefit Definition whose Normal form of payment is one of the joint life types, then a Plan Definition different from what was referenced to perform the valuation of plan liabilities is needed. Note that:

The remaining parameters of this dialog box pertain to Normalization of benefits.

Enter the Standard interest rate (for pvQJSA, pvQSUPP, and pvSLA) (i1), which is used to determine the present value of annuities. Enter the rate of Interest from commencement to testing age (i2), which is used to discount (or sometimes bring forward) the present value of an annuity as of the testing age to the payment commencement age; usually this rate equals the standard interest rate. Select also the Standard mortality rate table(s) to be used. The mortality rate table(s) and any referenced mortality improvement scale(s) must be unisex; the spouse is assumed to be the same age as the member. The normalization factor is computed as:


where ca is the commencement age, ta is the testing age, and SLA is a single life annuity.


Check the Assume mortality from commencement age to testing age box to adjust for survivorship when discounting the present value of the annuity between the testing age and the payment commencement age. The specified standard mortality is used. Note: IRS Gray Book Questions 2004-25 and 2005-31 state that it is preferable to apply mortality as well as interest to normalize the benefit.