Home > Commands > Input > Projection Assumptions > Populate Projection Assumptions

Populate Projection Assumptions

The Populate button allows you to copy topic information from an existing set of Valuation Assumptions contained in the current Project. Thus the entry of parameters for your Projection Assumptions set may be “automated” instead of performed manually.

You can use this feature to specify a Projection Assumptions set for your Core Projection that is the same as the Valuation Assumptions set referenced (and used in the baseline Valuation). Thus the Core Projection will produce results with minimal or no gain or loss in the ensuing forecast.

In the U.S. qualified mode, however, there is an exception to copying your valuation assumptions, as is, into the Projection Assumptions library entry. For the future experience Increase & Crediting Rates for the Maximum Benefit and Maximum Compensation Regulatory Items, ProVal will not populate with zeroes commonly used in a funding Valuation Assumptions set when it encounters those zeroes, for these items, in a funding Valuation Assumptions set. Instead, these increase rate values will be set equal to those of the future experience salary inflation increase rates, potentially resulting in experience gains and losses in the forecast.

To Populate with Valuation Assumptions, that is, copy Valuation Assumptions parameter values into the Projection Assumptions set currently being edited, select an assumption set from the list of Valuation Assumptions in the current Project. ProVal will select (check) all the topics in the list for the parameter, Projection Assumption topics to populate. Uncheck a topic to leave the corresponding Projection Assumption topic’s parameter settings at their current values. When you click OK, ProVal will tell you what assumption set it copied from and which topics were copied.