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Status Code Mappings

This topic of the Census Specifications command contains the parameters that tell ProVal how to treat each participant with respect to future service and “decrements”, including mortality. Except in the German pension mode, for plan participants who are in active status, there are four possible contingencies that are initiated by decrementing from active status (which therefore cause a status change): retirement, termination, death and disability.

After a decrement from active status has occurred, the participant is exposed only to the mortality decrement (thus all records are always subject to the mortality decrement, regardless of the record’s ProVal status). In the German pension mode, active participants who terminate, along with participants who are currently in terminated vested status, are subject to the death, disability and retirement decrements. All records are always subject to the mortality decrement, regardless of the record’s ProVal status.

Th ProVal status codes indicating how to treat plan participants are:

Note that the status code mapping applies on the Valuation Date (as defined in the Valuation or Core Projection referencing this set of Census Specifications). Active participants eventually will decrement and become inactive, although the record’s status code still is mapped to the ProVal “Active” status.

For each record in a referenced database, Specify how to determine participant status:

The mapping of a status field to ProVal status codes need not be one-to-one. Suppose that you wish to have distinct codes, and labels, for three different types of employees considered active (e.g., “actively at work”, “leave of absence”, “transferred out”). All three of these codes/labels could be assigned to the ProVal status “Active”.

Note that if you have only actives in your database and wish to leave the Inactive Data topic blank, you must map all records to “Active”. Otherwise, the (active) records of your database must contain the inactive data fields (even if blank) of the Inactive Data topic. (See Inactive Data - Pension Modes or Inactive Data - OPEB Mode for a list of the required data fields.) Similarly, if you have, for example, only records mapped to the “Vested” status in your database and wish to leave the Active Data topic blank, you must map all records to “Vested”.