Home > Commands > Tools > U.S. PBGC XRA Calculations > Regulatory Data

Regulatory Data

The Regulatory Data topic of the U.S. PBGC XRA tool defines which year’s Retirement Rate Category data will be used for the calculations and allows you to override ProVal’s historical values for this data.

Enter the Law Year to denote which year of Retirement Rate Category Data to use. If historical data is unavailable for this Law Year, for example, unknown because the Law Year is in the future, or if you wish to override known historical data, you must provide the values you wish ProVal to use. In the spreadsheet for the Enter any overrides to ProVal’s Retirement Rate Category Data parameter, complete a row for each Year of Unreduced Retirement Age necessitated by the Law Year entered. In each row, enter the values of the monthly benefit amounts that define the “breakpoints” for the Low if Monthly Benefit is below and the High if Monthly Benefit is above columns.

Click the Historical Data button to view, for the selected Law Year, ProVal’s historical values for the Retirement Rate Category Table and the Expected Retirement Ages (XRA) tables for the Low, Medium and High categories.