Home > FAQ > Plan Definitions > Cash Balance Plans > Adjusting cash balance values for distributions and repayments

Adjusting cash balance values for distributions and repayments

QUESTION: My cash balance plan has monthly employer contributions with monthly interest crediting.  It allows participants to take loans or distributions from their cash balance account. The plan also allows repayments back into the account.  How can I code ProAdmin to reflect the distributions and repayments so that interest cannot accrue on amounts not in the account, such as loans and distributions, and will accrue on repayment amounts starting at the repayment date?

ANSWER: ProAdmin's operator #GETASOF allows distinct amounts (loans, distributions and repayments) to be extracted from array elements at their effective dates. The following example illustrates how to extract the amounts in a basis formula to adjust cash balance values at the effective dates of.

Suppose a cash balance plan has employer contributions of 3% where the account grows with annual interest of 4%, credited monthly.  In this plan, employees are allowed to take small amounts from their cash balance account as a loan. The plan allows employees to pay back or not pay back the amounts with or without interest.  Cash balance accruals, loans or distributions and repayments are effective at the end of the month while the participant is employed. The data contains historical monthly salaries, amounts of distributions or loans (data dictionary field "Loans") and amounts of repayments (data dictionary field "Repay") - all in start/stop arrays. For example: loans, repay. 

A few items in ProAdmin will require minor changes to allow integration of loans and repayments into the cash balance component:

Benefit Formula Component - Cash Balance,
Basis formula - since #SAL_incr_mthly custom operator provides monthly salaries, the formula could be:

A := (Loans_ef_dt = #DATE) * (Loans_ef_dt #GETASOF Loans) &
B := (Repay_ef_dt = #DATE) * (Repay_ef_dt #GETASOF Repay) &
(#SAL_incr_mthly * 0.03) - A + B

Accrual rates - set the accrual rates to 1 (one)

The general accrual for the month is "#SAL_incr_mthly * 0.03." Adding and subtracting amounts from the general accrual results in a net accrual for the month. The cash balance component takes care of the interest. The results provide the progression of account balances as loans and repayments are made.