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Arithmetic Operators

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+, -, *, / add, subtract, multiply, divide
** raise Number1 to the Number2 power
#ABS Returns the absolute value of a number.
#CEILING Rounds a number up to the next integer.
#DIV Divides two numbers, but returns zero upon division by zero.
#EXP Raises the number e (2.718281828...) to some power.
#FLOOR Rounds a number down to the next integer.
#INT Truncates the fractional part of a number.
#LN Returns the natural log (logarithm base e) of a number.
#LOG Returns the logarithm of a number.
#MAX Returns the maximum (larger) of two numbers.
#MIN Returns the minimum (smaller) of two numbers.
#MOD Divides two numbers and returns the remainder (called the modulus).
#ROUND Rounds a number to the specified number of places, or by default to the nearest integer.
#SIGN Returns the sign (-1, 1, or 0) of a number.
#ZMINUS Subtracts two numbers, with a result not less than 0.