Home > FAQ > Census Specifications > Create a Salary or Hours Array from individual values

Create a Salary or Hours Array from individual values

QUESTION: I’m using ProVal data to run calculations in ProAdmin, how can I make a salary array?

When exporting data for ProAdmin from ProVal, the data is presented in a flat file or a comma separated values (CSV) file. Since ProAdmin requires that column heading for The first row contains column headings. Each row, after the first row, represents the data for a particular participant. Individual salary amounts for each participant are in separate columns. The column headings usually have separate names for each annual pay such as pay2001, pay2002, etc.

ANSWER: Read the individual salaries using the data dictionary and database linkage. Define an unlinked numeric start and stop array e.g., SALARY. In the Data Defaults of the Census Specifications, default the value of SALARY using the expression:


1 #ARRAY (
1/1/2001, 12/31/2001, pay2001,
1/1/2002, 12/31/2002, pay2002,
1/1/2003, 12/31/2003, pay2003,
1/1/2004, 12/31/2004, pay2004,
1/1/2005, 12/31/2005, pay2005,
1/1/2006, 12/31/2006, pay2006,
1/1/2007, 12/31/2007, pay2007,
1/1/2008, 12/31/2008, pay2008,
1/1/2009, 12/31/2009, pay2009,
1/1/2010, 12/31/2010, pay2010)