Determining Date of Participation for output
QUESTION: My client wants to put date of participation on the letters sent to employees. Their plan uses the 1000 hour rule to determine participation into the cash balance plan. Hours are reported every month. ProAdmin can read them as a start & stop array. Participation begins on the first day of the calendar after 1000 hours are worked in a calendar year. If an employee works 1000 hours between his date of hire and one year anniversary of his date of hire, participation begins on the first of the month following the one year anniversary. How can I put this date on the output?
ANSWER: Set up a Service Definition Set that uses the 1000 hour rule and an output field that adjusts the date when the 1000 hour condition is met. Assuming DOH is the date of hire, and hours are reported more frequently than annual.
Step 1 Set up a Service Definition (Service1)
Step 2. Set up a Service Definition Set (Service1) using Service1
Step 3. In the Date Adjustment library define a new date adjustment entry (Adjust1): Check Adjust date:
DOH1:= DOH #dateplus 1y & ; Add one year to date of hire [(#this<=DOH1)*( 1 #monthround DOH1)] ; if 1000 hours are met before ; DOH plus one year then round + ; to the first of the next ; month [(#this>DOH1)*(12 #monthround #this)] ; if 1000 hours are met after ; DOH plus one year then round ; to the first of the next ; calendar year
Step 4. Define an eligibility definition (Eligibility1)where
Step 5. In the output definition, define a Date/Age/Service output field(date1).