Find the last Friday in a month
; A_DT is a single date or an array of date(s) that you need to; adjust (e.g., DOB field or #DATE in a transformation expression)
EndMth_DT:= #ENDMTH A_DT & ; last day of this mthDaysToFri:= 5 - #DAYOFWEEK EndMth_DT & ; days from FRI; M T W T F S S Day of week; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 #DAYOFWEEK; 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 days to Friday
; If the last day of the month is Saturday or Sunday, then; EndMth + DaysToFri is a Friday (Saturday – 1 day is Friday,; Sunday – 2 days is Friday), and it’s the last Friday in; the current month. If the last day of the month is Monday; thru Friday, then EndMth + DaysToFri is a Friday, but it’s; the first Firday of the following month. So, if we subtract; 7 days, then it’s the last Friday of the current month!
EndMth_DT + DaysToFri - (7 * (DaysToFri > 0))