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Linking to SQL Server

If your data is in a SQL Server Database you can link to this data by entering the following information into the ADO connection string box.

Provider=provider; Data Source=database_server, port_number; Initial Catalog=test_db where provider is either SQLOLEDB or MSDASQL where database_server is the SQL server name, port_number is the port number, if it's needed and test_db is the database name.

If you are writing a connection string to be used with SQLOLEDB you may also need to add either of the following parameters to the connection string. If your database uses Windows Authentication then add Integrated Security=SSPI. This is the recommended approach. If it uses SQL Server Authentication add User ID=id; Password=pswd, where the id = the user id and pswd = the password for the user id that will allow you to access the data.

If you are writing a connection string to be used with MSDASQL you may also need to add either of the following parameters to the connection string. If your database uses Windows Authentication then add Trusted_Connection=yes. If it uses SQL Server Authentication add User ID=id; Password=pswd, where the id = the user id and pswd = the password for the user id that will allow you to access the data.