Home > FAQ > System > ProAdmin INI settings > Packing Files

Packing Files

When closing a client (or opening another one), ProAdmin prompts you to pack the library files if unused space in the library files exceeds certain thresholds. These thresholds can be changed using the settings on the Pack tab under the Options command of the File menu. These thresholds are saved in your PROADMIN.INI file, using the following parameters:







In this example, a prompt appears if unused space exceeds 1,000,000 bytes and is more than 20% of the total, or 200,000,000 bytes regardless of the percent of the total.

The Batch Message Log Delete and Batch Message Log Days parameters are set by default to 1 and 30, respectively, which means that ProAdmin will delete batch messages older than 30 days as part of normal maintenance. (See the Options command of the File menu for additional information related to deletion of messages from the Batch Message Log.)

If any of these parameters do not exist in PROADMIN.INI, the default parameters would be as shown above.