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Regulatory Data

The Regulatory Data topic is very similar to the Regulatory Data topic in Valuation Assumptions. It allows you to override any historical values and specify the Law Year for the calculation.

The Law Year, even if in the future, determines where history stops and assumptions (salaries, wage bases, national average wages, and CPI) begin. That is, historical regulatory data will be used up to the law year and increase rate assumptions will apply from the law year to termination.

The Freeze PIA at law year checkbox freezes the salaries, national average wage, CPI, etc. in effect as of the law year.

Overrides to ProVal’s Historical Regulatory Data let you override historical values. If the law year is in the future, you will need to provide unknown values up to and including the law year (up to law year-1 for CPI and law year-2 for NAW). ProVal’s historical values can be viewed by clicking the Historical Data… button.