Home > FAQ > Data Manipulation > Date Rounding in Expressions > Round a date to ... examples > Round to the nearest month

Round to the nearest month

This example rounds a date to the nearest month based on the number of days in the month.


; A_DT is a single date or an array of date(s) that you need to
; adjust (e.g., DOB field or #DATE in a transformation expression)


; Method 1: ----------------------------------------------------
DayLimit:= #FLOOR (0.5*#DAYSINMTH A_DT) &
; 28 ~ 14 => [1-14] 1st of this mth, [15-28] 1st of next mth
; 29 ~ 14 => [1-14] 1st of this mth, [15-29] 1st of next mth
; 30 ~ 15 => [1-15] 1st of this mth, [16-30] 1st of next mth
; 31 ~ 15 => [1-15] 1st of this mth, [16-31] 1st of next mth


#IF   DayLimit < #DAY A_DT


; Method 2: ----------------------------------------------------
DayOfMth:=  #DAY A_DT &
DayLimit:=  #FLOOR (0.5*DaysInMth) &


; if A_DT is less or equal to the day limit, then we want the first
; of the current month. If we subtract the day of the month from
; the date, then we have the end of the previous month. Adding 1
; day gives us the first of this month.
; if A_DT is more than the day limit, then we want the first of 
; the next month. If we subtract DayOfMth from DaysInMth, we have
; the number of days to the end of the current month. Add this to
; A_DT gives us the end of the current month. Adding 1 day gives 
; us the first of the next month. 
; (DayLimit < DayOfMth) is the key to adding/subtracting the 
; correct number of days.


1 + A_DT + (DaysInMth*(DayLimit < DayOfMth)) – DayOfMth