Home > Calculations > Run and/or Compare

Run and/or Compare

In almost every ProAdmin library, when you have defined 2 or more library entries, you can compare the library entries to discover the differences between (among) the selected library entries. But, when you have 2 or more calculations in a Benefit Calculation Library (Estimates, Finals or Dates/Age/Service), the Compare and Run buttons become split buttons and you have additional options to Run and Compare calculation results.    
The Compare split button 
 has the following choices:

The Run split button  has the following choices:

There are two alternative ways to specify the calculations to be run under the Compare to saved results in another client...  command and each of the three (3) Run... split button options.  Highlight the radio button next to the desired approach :

This is an example of a calculation list file that contains the name of Estimated Benefit Calculations and Final Benefit Calculations:

Frank Capra
Steven Spielberg
Martin Scorsese
Alfred Hitchcock

Captain Kidd
Henry Morgan
Black Bart
Dread Pirate Roberts
Inigo Montoya
Miracle Max
Domingo Montoya
Even if you only have the names of one type of calculations in the file, for example, Estimates, the [ESTIMATES] section head is still required.

When running calculations using either the Run... or the Run and compare to saved results on another client... split button choices, you may initially choose a broader list of calculations than you really want to process, and then narrow them down through selection of one or more of the following check-boxes on the dialog: 

When running calculations using any of the three (3) Run... split button choices, specify the desired Using this data: option:

When executing the Compare split button choice to Compare to saved results in another client, or the Run split button choice to Run and compare to saved results in another client, the following dialog box controls help specify the location of the ProAdmin client files that contain the prior calculation results:

When comparing calculation results under the Compare split button choices Compare saved results... or Compare to saved results in another client..., or under the Run split button choices Re-run and compare to saved results... or Run and compare to saved results in another client..., the Show these differences: parameters control the amount of detail to be displayed:

Whenever you run and/or compare calculations, your settings are saved in the ProAdmin.ini file under the [RunCompareCalcs] heading so the next time you try to run and/or compare calculations, your last settings will be used to populate the run/compare dialog boxes.

Run and/or Compare Report

Summary of the calculations processed
When you run and/or compare calculations, ProAdmin keeps track of every calculation processed (including those that are dropped). Below is a list of the statistics that are kept. Note that what actually appears is dependent on what you have chosen to do. For example, if you are using the calculations you selected then you won’t see any of the calculation list file rows. If you’re only comparing results, then you won’t see any rows pertaining to running a calculation (about half the rows would not be shown if only comparing results).

Details for calculations processed
When you run and/or compare calculations, ProAdmin keeps track of every calculation processed. Not just counts, but the names of each calculation processed, as well as the error message associated with each calculation abort, and if comparing results, the detailed differences between the “new” and “old” results for each calculation. For every row shown in the Summary of the calculations processed (other than calculations selected and names in calculation list file), there will be a similar section here in the Details for calculations processed, where names and, as appropriate, details for aborts and calculation result differences are shown.

After you view the information the Run and/or Compare Report, you have the option of printing or saving all this information to a file,

What happens when a calculation aborts?
When a calculation is being run, it might abort. For example, you may have set a User-Defined Error Message to abort a calculation if you try to run a calculation on someone who is already receiving a benefit or if someone is not eligible for any benefits. However, only at the time a calculation is being run, does ProAdmin know whether it aborted and why it aborted. That’s because ProAdmin doesn't keep track of aborts in the calculation library (it does keep track of saved data and saved results). For any existing calculation (that is not currently being run) all we know is whether it has saved results or not; we don’t know if you tried to run it and it aborted. 

When you are using a run or a run and compare option to process a group of calculations, this is what we know about a calculation being run, the:

If you are not running any calculations, but just comparing the saved calculation results on your current client to the saved calculation results in a different client, then this is what we know, the:

How can the run and/or compare options help you?
Suppose that you have received a new version of ProAdmin and you want to make sure that none of your existing calculation results (run under the old version of ProAdmin) will change if you run them under the new version of ProAdmin.

Now you have a report showing you all the calculations that did not change and lots of detail about the calculations, if any, that did change.

Suppose you have to make some plan changes and you need to make sure that some calculation results don’t change and some calculation results do change. (Remember, if you make any change to your plan, all dependent results are be deleted!)

Now you have a report showing you all the calculations that didn't change and lots of detail about the calculations that did change.