Returns the valuation year (year beginning on the valuation date) of the liability measurement.
This operator can be used to adjust benefit values, and thus liability values, as of a particular valuation date (in a Core Projection, as of a single valuation date or as of two or more consecutive valuation dates). Note that in a Valuation Set or forecast, ProVal will not calculate any plan change or prior service cost bases attributable to application of #VALYEAR; the change in liability is thus an experience gain/loss (and can occur even if Projection Assumptions match Valuation Assumptions).
Although available in all modes, this operator is most useful for forecasting plan amendments in OPEB mode.
In OPEB mode, if the baseline valuation date is 1/1/2011 and the plan will change on 1/1/2013 so that the employer pays only 50% of the claims, you might code the Gross Benefit Definition like this:
Claims x {1 – [0.5 x (#VALYEAR>2012)]}
If the valuation year is after 2012, the claims will be multiplied by a factor of 50%; otherwise, the full claims amount will be payable. Note that the reduction in liabilities resulting from the 50% reduction in claims valued will not be reflected in a plan change base or prior service cost base.