Home > Valuations > Plan Definitions > Payment Form Definitions - Pension > Cantelli Benefit payment form (German mode only)

Cantelli Benefit payment form (German mode only)

The Cantelli Benefit payment form models benefits in which there is a lump sum payable at member death, and the amount of the lump sum is equal to the present value (under plan assumptions), at the moment before death, of all future benefits, including both:

In benefits with this payment form, ProVal will automatically calculate the amounts of the lump sums (referred to as “Cantelli lump sums” below), using the input assumptions and the amount of the annuity. The amount of the annuity is determined by the benefit formula.

There are two types of Cantelli benefits available:

Note that these two options are equivalent when used in death benefit.

The amount of the life insurance at member death or the lump sum at decrement is determined using the parameters specified in the Cantelli Benefit payment form and the Benefit formula which is expected to hold the corresponding annuity amount. The annuity portion of the benefit, if any, is calculated assuming immediate commencement at decrement.  

For inactives, all Cantelli benefits are always assumed to be a life annuity to the member and a life insurance on member death.    

The following parameters are only used in calculating the amount of the life insurance at member death or the lump sum at decrement. They do not affect the life annuity portion of the benefit, if any.