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Saving Results to Access

You can save results for Valuation Set Exhibits, Deterministic Forecast Exhibits, Gain/Loss Analysis and Descriptive Statistics directly from ProVal to a Microsoft Access database. The Access database is intended to be used by ProVal’s Report Writer

To save the desired ProVal results to a Microsoft Access database (*.mdb, *.accdb):

You can also save Valuation Set or Deterministic Forecast Exhibit results directly to a Microsoft Access database (*.mdb, *.accdb) without first viewing Exhibits:

It is recommended that you store the Access database (*.mdb, *.accdb) in the same folder as the ProVal client files (*.sf). All of the results for a client should be saved into a single database. This includes results for prior years, different scenarios and even different plans (e.g., hourly pension, salaried pension, retiree medical). However, it is recommended that results for different clients be saved in different databases.

Database structure (for writing your own applications)

The following information is useful for developing your own computer programs based on the data in the Microsoft Access database. The structure for Valuation Set Exhibits is described below. The structure for Deterministic Forecast Exhibits and Gain/Loss Analysis is similar and can be ascertained by saving sample results to Access. For Descriptive Statistics, the Access database is not useable by outside programs (it is stored in a private data structure for ProVal’s Report Writer).

When Valuation Set Exhibits are saved, the database contains not only information for each exhibit but also summary output like that available under the Valuation Set Output and Deterministic Forecast Output commands.

The database contains the following tables:

To facilitate use by other programs, many elements in the database are stable. That is, they won’t change from one ProVal version to the next unless necessary, such as to incorporate a law change. The stable elements are: