Vested Retirement Ages
This topic pertains to participants with a “Vested” ProVal status. If the criteria for calculating the Earliest Retirement Age (as defined in PBGC Regulation 4044.2) and the Unreduced Retirement Age (as defined in PBGC Regulation 4001.2) is identical to the criteria for active participants, check the Same as Active box. If this box is checked, all of the parameters on the screen except for the Date of Decrement (discussed below) will be inaccessible.
If the criteria for calculating the earliest and unreduced retirement ages differs from the criteria for active participants, uncheck the Same as Active box and complete the remaining parameters of the dialog box. See the Active Retirement Ages topic for details about the Earliest Retirement Age, the Unreduced Retirement Age and the Service based on parameters.
Note that for vested participants, service is always frozen at the decrement date. Select, from among the fields unhidden in the current Project, the date field that contains the participant’s decrement date. Note that this field must be completed regardless of whether the criteria for calculating ERA and URA are the same as for active participants.
To determine if the earliest and unreduced retirement age criteria have been met at the calculation date, ProVal will freeze the participant’s age at the decrement date value if the Freeze age accruals box is checked.