Active Headcount vs Valuation Number
QUESTION: What is the difference between the Active Headcount and Valuation Number Output Variables?
ANSWER: The active head count, or Total Number of Active Members, includes all records whose status field code is mapped to ProVal’s active status except those records excluded by the Selection Expression (accessed by means of the Census Data button) of the Valuation(s) or Core Projection(s), or (if you are viewing Valuation Set or forecast Output Variable values) the underlying Valuation(s) or Core Projection(s).
Valuation Number, used when spreading costs under a “spread gain” liability method, is a subset of the Total Number. It excludes members who, as of the valuation date,
are at or over the age at which retirement rates first become 1 or
have not yet met the eligibility conditions to be included in the plan, as determined by the inclusion parameters of the Other Valuation Parameters topic of Valuation Assumptions.
Note that if both funding and accounting Valuations and/or Core Projections are run, results displayed for Total Number and Valuation Number are obtained from the funding run.
Another element of difference between the values of Valuation Number and Total Number may arise if the Timing for PVFS, PVFL, valuation salary and number parameter of the funding Valuation Assumptions is not beginning-of-year and adjustments are applied. (See Liability Methods for details.)
For additional information, see Total Salary vs. Valuation Salary.