Home > FAQ > Plan Benefit Definitions > Prorating prospective cash balance plans with service-dependent accruals

Prorating prospective cash balance plans with service-dependent accruals

QUESTION: How can I get appropriate Projected Unit Credit values for a cash balance plan that commences at 1/1/1996, but has accruals that are based on service from hire? I want PUC to prorate linearly from 1/1/1996 (or date of hire, if later) to decrement, rather than based on the plan’s back-loaded lump sum accrual pattern.

ANSWER: Set the benefit service field for your formula’s accrual rates to date of hire and specify the cash balance accrual pattern as "service-based variable rates" of 3% for service up to 10 years, 4% for the next 5 years, etc. Then specify custom attribution rates for Projected Unit Credit using an initial rate of 0 and a new rate of 1 as of 1/1/1996. NOTE: Be sure to specify accrual rate proration for Projected Unit Credit attribution in your Benefit Definitions.