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Recovery rates

QUESTION: When valuing disability benefits, I sometimes incorporate recovery rates. Recovery rates represent the probability that disabled participants regain their health. Upon recovery, the disability benefit stops. The participant may also be assumed to return to work as an active participant. How can I reflect this assumption in valuation liabilities?

ANSWER: There are two methods for incorporating recovery rates in ProVal valuations, depending on whether or not disabled participants return to work upon recovery.


Method 1 - Stopping the disability benefit upon recovery

If you are valuing annuities, simply increase the post-disablement mortality by the assumed recovery rates.

Probability of continuing to receive disability benefits = Probability of living to next year and not recovering
  = (1-qx)*(1-recovery ratex)
  = 1-qadjx
Solving for qadjx we get:    
Qadjx = 1 - (1-qx)*(1-recovery ratex)

For example:

 age Qx recovery ratex qadjx
55 0.006131 0.35 0.353985
56 0.006618 0.33 0.334434
57 0.007139 0.31 0.314926
58 0.007719 0.29 0.295480
59 0.008384 0.27 0.276120
60 0.009158 0.25 0.256869
61 0.010064 0.23 0.237749
62 0.011133 0.21 0.218795
63 0.012391 0.19 0.200037
64 0.013868 0.17 0.181510
65 0.015592 0.15 0.163253




Method 2 – Stopping the disability benefit and returning the participant to active status upon recovery

If it assumed that disabled lives will return to active status upon recovery, then a reasonable proxy is to increase the probability of staying active in the first place.


Probability of remaining active = Probability of surviving all decrements, unless recovering from disability
  = 1-[qretx + qtrmx + qdthx
+ qdisx * (1-prob. no recoveryx)]

The “prob. no recoveryx” should be estimated from the recovery rates using your best judgment.

To ensure that the effective rate of disablement remains equal to qdisx, rather than qdisx * (1-prob. no recoveryx), an election probability equal to 1/(1-prob. no recoveryx) should be applied to the disability benefit.
