Home > FAQ > Plan Benefit Definitions > Unit benefit formula with prospective amendments only

Unit benefit formula with prospective amendments only

QUESTION: How can I code a plan benefit which is a dollar amount per month of service, but based on the year in which the service was earned? For example:

Calendar Year Dollar Amount
<= 1983 5.00
1984-1986 6.00
1987-1989 8.50
1990-1993 9.50
1994+ 11.00

ANSWER: Use an Accrual Definition that is Basis x Cumulative Rate.

The Accrual Basis will be 12.

The Accrual Rates will be variable, with several rate tables:

Effective Date
1/01/1900 5
1/01/1984 6
1/01/1987 8.5
1/01/1990 9.5
1/01/1994 11

NOTE: The factor of 12 is necessary in the Accrual Basis since we entered monthly amounts in the Accrual Rates.