Home > Commands > Output > Stochastic Trial Exhibits

Stochastic Trial Exhibits

The Stochastic Trial Exhibits command lets you view the details of funding and expense calculations for a particular trial in a Stochastic Forecast. This is useful for explaining what series of events led to a particular result. Stochastic Trial Exhibits is similar to Deterministic Forecast Exhibits except that, instead of a deterministic forecast, you are asked to:

If you select the Variable option, ProVal will determine the trial number based on the Output Variable, year and percentile you chose to view. Otherwise, trial numbers can be determined by using the Stochastic Forecast Output command. (ProVal cannot determine trial numbers for stochastic forecasts run using version 2.27 or earlier. Therefore, to determine trial numbers for a Stochastic Forecast run in a version earlier than 2.28, simply rerun the forecast.)

In order to generate the exhibits, you are also asked to specify:

You can select as many exhibits as you wish and then click the View button to see the results. ProVal then will rerun the trial of the Stochastic Forecast in order to get all of the necessary detail for the exhibits. You can then Print the exhibits or send them to a File (e.g., an Excel spreadsheet) by clicking the appropriate button.