Returns the first, last, or all benefit commencement date(s) from the calculation.
Where a can have the following values:
0 = last benefit commencement date
1 = first benefit commencement date
98* = return the previous commencement date (an array)
99* = return all commencement dates (an array)
100* = return the next commencement date (an array)
*These options, 98/99/100, are only available in Data Defaults and where #DATE is available, i.e., service and salary transformation expressions, Benefit Definitions, Accrual Definitions, and SubFormulas. They are not available in Service Rounding or Date Adjustments.#BCDATE is not available in Selection Expressions or Benefit Formula Component and Accrual Basis Component Database Field expressions.
Check to see if the first commencement date is equal to the status effective date:
(#BCDATE 0) = StatEffDate
Check to see if the last commencement date is prior to date of hire:
Default an effective date array field to hold all the benefit commencement dates:
B_DT:= #BCDATE 99 &
12 #ARRAY (B_DT, B_DT)
Default an effective date array field to hold all the previous benefit commencement dates:
B_DT:= #BCDATE 99 &
N_DT:= #BCDATE 100 &
12 #ARRAY (B_DT, N_DT)
Additional Examples: