Service Rounding
This Service Rounding library is accessible throughout Service Definitions and Service Definition Sets to round various components of the service calculation.
Name may be any descriptive phrase, including spaces, under which to save this entry.
If checked, Rounding expression: is a formula window that allows you to create a rounding expression using ProAdmin’s flexible expression language. In the example: #THIS > .33333, #THIS is an expression operator which holds the numeric value before it is rounded. In this expression, if the numeric value being rounded is greater than .33333 then the value of the expression is 1. If the numeric value is less than or equal to .33333 then the value of the expression is 0. A list of database fields, operators, and other useful tools will appear whenever you hit F1 if your cursor is in the Rounding expression box of the Service Rounding screen.
If checked, Round amount to:, after any rounding expression is applied, rounds the service to the specified amount in the specified Direction:
Direction indicates whether the service should be rounded Up, Down or to the Nearest value.
If checked, Number of decimal places: indicates the number of decimal places to which the value should be rounded. Direction then indicates whether, to set the desired number of decimal places, the number should be rounded Up, Down or to the Nearest value.