Audit Report
The Audit Report allows you to optionally have an audit report written out for each calculation run by the server. The audit report gives you specific details about the calculation that was processed: the Summary Results which detail all calculation component results at decrement and at each commencement age, as well as all applicable payment form results; the input data; and the details for all final average salary (FAS) components.
Check the Write an Audit Report if a value is passed in the file name box to indicate that an audit report should be created for each calculation for which an audit report file name is provided in the Input XML.
The Audit Report file name tag: box holds the name of the Input XML tag that contains the audit report file name. The name provided by this tag in the Input XML does not include a path because the audit report file path is specified in the server ProAdmin.ini file through the AuditPath= setting. Also, the file output will always be a text file; if the name provided does not have a .txt extension, you will need to add it in order to open the file. Finally, ProAdmin server will search the specified path for this file name. If it is not found, a new text file will be created. If the file is found, the new information will be appended to the end of the existing file. Click the button to select the tag name from those in the input XML as defined in the XML Database Linkage specified on the top of the Input Pass Thru tab.
The Person id tag (to be inserted into the Audit Report): box holds the Input XML tag that includes the identifier that should be included in the Summary Results as the Person ID. (This is needed because the server input does not otherwise require a Person ID like the desktop application does, but the Summary Results output does require a Person ID.) Click the button to select the tag name from those in the input XML as defined in the XML Database Linkage specified on the top of the Input Pass Thru tab.
The Report Header button allows you to select the paths and tag names of values from the input XML document that you want written on the report. You can select any number of output items, specify their order, and also define separators to go between them. This is meant to facilitate later searching for the desired output in the audit file by searching, for example, for a user id name and a date. Upon clicking the Report Header button, the Audit Report Header Fields dialog box is presented:
Select a field: lists all the Header Fields currently defined. Click the New… button to define a new field or click on an existing entry to edit it. In either case, the Audit Report Header field dialog box is presented with the following options:
Field: is a text field in which to enter a description of the field that will be included in the audit report. This may be any descriptive phrase, including spaces..
Field Type may be either the XML path for an actual XML input field, or a Separator to separate multiple fields in the header. To include an XML path, click the
button to select the path and tag name from those in the input XML as defined in the XML Database Linkage specified on the top of the Input Pass Thru tab. To include a Separator, select one of the following from the multi-choice field: blank space, comma, semi-colon, colon, dash, line break, forward slash, or back slash.
The Re-Order Fields button allow you to change the order in which the fields will be written.