Coding Pension Equity (''PEP'') Plans
QUESTION 1: My client has an implicit Pension Equity Plan. The formula is based on final average pay, where participants accrue a percentage of final average pay for each year of service based on their age at the time of accrual. Upon termination of employment, the participant’s annual benefit payable at age 65 is the sum of the annual earned percentages multiplied by final average pay and then divided by a deferred to age 65 annuity factor. Percentage points are prorated during calendar years when participants age into another age bracket. Ages are measured in completed months. The percentages are:
Annual Percentage
Final Average PayAge Percentage Under 30 3% 31-35 4% 36-40 5% 41-45 6.5% 46-50 8% 51-55 9.5% 56-60 11% 61-65 14% Over 65 16%
How can ProAdmin be coded for this benefit?
ANSWER 1: In ProAdmin, Pension Equity (PEP) plans are coded using the Accrual-Career average Benefit Formula Component type. (In ProVal there is a special accrual definition type for PEP plans, but this is not needed, and thus not available, in ProAdmin because its special features have to do with the calculation of the normal cost for funding and accounting.) The Accrual-Career average Benefit Formula Component type will accumulate the final average pay percentage values every year. In addition, we will need Benefit Formula Components for final average earnings and a deferred annuity, as well as a subformula to bring everything together. The chart below summarizes the components.
Benefit Formula Component Example Names Description Accrual - Career average
Sum_of_Percentages Accumulation of annual percentages Accrual - Basis only
Final_average_pay Final average pay Annuity Factor
Def_65 Deferred to age 65 annuity factor Subformula
PEP_fomula The accrued benefit for PEP
Illustrative detailed results are shown below for the subformula component, showing the details of each of the building block components.