Home > Calculation Setup > Plan Definitions > Benefit Definitions > Contingency initiating benefits

Contingency initiating benefits

This section of the Benefit Definitions dialog pertains to the nature of, or the cause of, a benefit. Contingency is the decrement (i.e., event causing a status change) that would trigger payment of this benefit.  There are four contingencies from which to choose:  
Note that if a member is eligible for a Retirement benefit, they will be deemed ineligible for any Termination benefits, regardless of the parameterized eligibility requirements. This is based on the assumption that retirement benefits are at least as valuable as termination benefits and that only one or the other should be payable.  

If the contingency initiating the benefit is "Death", select whom the benefit is payable to:  "Everyone", "Spouse beneficiary", or "Non-spouse or no beneficiary."