Benefit Definitions
A Benefit Definition pulls together all of the information about a specific benefit that is to be included in a pension plan. The Benefit Definition determines why, when, how much, and in what form payments will be made.
Name is a text field in which to enter a description of the benefit. This may be any descriptive phrase, including spaces.
Clicking the XML Code... button allows you to control the internal code associated with a Benefit Definition. This code is included in the XML output when benefit level output is selected in the XML Output Linkage.
All other parameters of the Benefit Definition dialog box are grouped into sections that, generally, can be expanded, or compressed, by a click on the arrow (if one is provided) to the left of the section's heading. The sections are:
Selecting View allows the user to review the Benefit Definition details and export these details to Excel using the Review button within the viewer.