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Database Linkage

Database Linkages join some or all of the Data Dictionary fields with a data source containing the member’s data. Clicking the New button or double clicking on an existing entry provides the Database Linkage dialog box where three tabs are presented:

Database Link tab contains information regarding the location of your database and the user ID and password, if any, to access it.

Person ID tab contains the database field name that connects the tables within the database

Data Field Links allow you to link individual Data Dictionary fields to the database.

In addition to the standard View, Replace, Save As New, Erase and Cancel buttons, there is a Validate button available on all tabs. Clicking the button triggers a process to evaluate all parameters in the current entry and provide its results in a report. Validating the linkage at any point in the Database Linkage allows you to know immediately, rather than at run time, whether the linkage is functional. The validation checks the database linkage, the Person ID, and each completed data field link to make sure there are no problems. This also allows you to review and build the SQL code without needing correct SQL code each exit. ProAdmin will abort when running a calc if the validation tests have not been passed.