Home > Data > Database Linkage > PersonID


Person ID is the field name on each of the tables in the database that connects the tables to each other (e.g., a primary or foreign key). An example might be social security number where “SocSecNumber” is a column name on all member tables.  If the Person ID column name is not consistent among the tables, then you can override the PersonID with an alternative within a Data Field Link.

The PersonID construct assumes that there is a single primary key field (column) in each table. If you are using a database where the primary key is made from two or more columns (e.g., a composite primary key) – such as the SQL Server database provided with ProAdmin Online – then you must create views which only use a single primary key field or you may be able to use the Include global WHERE to query the appropriate data.

You can mask the Person ID values when calculation results are viewed and printed by checking Obscure all but the last xx digits of Person ID with 'X'. Enter the number of digits to display. For example, if Person ID is 123456789, entering 4 will display Person ID as XXXXX6789 on calculation results. 

​Include global WHERE allows you specify a WHERE that will be pre-pended (using an AND) to the WHERE for every Data Field Link. If a data field link doesn't currently use a WHERE, then the global WHERE clause becomes the ​de facto ​WHERE. You will have to manually add the global WHERE for data field links with a SQL override. 

For example, suppose that, in addition to Person ID, each table contains a Client ID and a Plan ID to differentiate plan data. Then you would need to add something like(CLIENTID = 12) AND (PLANID IN (1,13,47) to the WHERE of every data field link. If you use the global WHERE, then ProAdmin will automatically add this to the WHERE of every data field link (except data field links with a SQL override).