Error/Warning Messages
The Error/Warning Messages topic allows you to select the benefits-type error/warning conditions that should be executed when you process a calculation. While the Errors/Warnings Library may contain both benefits-based and census data-based error/warning definitions, only the benefits-based ones, identified as Type "BFT" in the first column of the list view, may be selected here.
There are three columns in the list view box, and clicking on the column's header will sort the view by that column's values. The first column contains the Type of error/warning message, but this list only contains library entries of the type "BFT." The second column contains the Name of the library entry, and the third column contains the date that it was last Modified.
To create a new Error/Warning library entry and include it in the Plan Definition, click the New button. To edit an existing entry or omit it from the Plan Definition, double-click the library entry or select the entry and click the Edit button. To include or exclude an entry, click on the Add/Omit button.
The Add/Omit Errors/Warnings dialog box displays all of the Error/Warning library entries that have been classified as benefit checks in the Error/Warnings Library. Any entry with a check preceding it will be processed. Library entries may be checked or unchecked individually, or the icons at the bottom of the dialog may be used to check all entries, uncheck all entries, or toggle (check/uncheck) entries. There are four column at the top of the box. The first column sorts the list based on those selected. The second sorts the list by Type but this list only contains BFT type entries. The third sorts the list alphabetically by Name. The fourth sorts this list by the last date the entry was Modified.