Errors / Warnings
The Errors/Warnings Library allows you to define a condition and associate the condition with a message from the Message Definitions Library. The condition is developed using ProAdmin’s flexible expression language. Error/Warnings can be defined to apply to either the benefits (BFT type) or census data (DATA type). Additionally, different messages can be associated with estimate and final calculations.
Name is the description by which this library entry will be known. This may be any descriptive phrase, including spaces.
Error/Warning applies to: indicates whether this condition is for benefits or census data. The items on the screen will change depending on which one you select. When Benefits is selected, you can only apply this condition through the Plan Definitions. If Census Data is selected, you can only apply this condition through the Census Specifications.
Benefit Level Error/Warnings
Error/Warning condition calculation allows you to write the condition using Benefit Formula Components and ProAdmin operators. If you press the F1 key, a list of the benefit formula components that have been set up for the client and the valid operators will be displayed. If multiple benefits are evaluated #BENFORMULA returns the value of each benefit (selected below) separately.
Apply condition at: allows you to select when you would like ProAdmin to evaluate the condition. The choices are all dates, decrement date(s), decrement and commencement dates, and commencement date(s). All dates is the default and indicates the condition will be applied at all the calculation dates. If multiple decrement or commencement dates are used in the calculation, the message will appear once if the condition is true at any of the relevant dates.
By default, Append date condition first met to message is checked to indicate that the message text should include the first date the condition was met (within the set of dates you selected to apply the test). You may uncheck the box to not include the date, particularly for messages for which a date makes no sense, such as a message indicating that the participant is not vested.
Evaluated for has three (3) options to indicate to which Benefit Definitions the condition apply:
All Benefit Definitions, when selected, indicates that the condition should be applied to all of the Benefit Definitions associated with a Plan Definition.
All Benefit Definitions for the contingency, when selected, indicates that the condition should be applied to all of the Benefit Definitions for that contingency associated with a Plan Definition. Use the drop down to select Retirement, Termination, Death, or Disability.
The following Benefit Definitions, when selected, indicates that the condition should be applied to only those Benefit Definitions selected. Use the Add/Omit button to select or omit a Benefit Definition. Please note that if a selected Benefit Definition is not included in the Plan Definition, you will receive a ProAdmin warning message.
If checked, Evaluate regardless of benefit eligibility indicates that the condition will be applied to the Benefit Definitions selected even if the eligibility criteria are not met. This might be useful, for example, for producing a message that the member is not vested. Note that the error/warning condition is not applied when the selection expression in the Eligibility Definition is not met, so messages about benefits for one location will not be displayed for members in another location.
Census data Error/Warnings
Error/Warning condition calculation allows you to write the condition using the fields set up in the Data Dictionary and ProAdmin operators. If you press the F1 key, a list of the Data Dictionary fields that have been set up for the client and the valid operators will be displayed.
For records selected by allows you to write a selection expression or click the
button to select a saved Selection Expression from the library. When a selection expression is entered, ProAdmin will apply the criteria and only the selected records will be evaluated for the message. If the box is blank, all records will be evaluated for the message.
Message Definition for Estimates: and Finals: allows you to select the Message Definition that will be displayed for estimate and final calculations, respectively, when the condition is met. Select the appropriate message from the list of available Message Definition library entries in the current Project, or click the button to create a new library entry.