J&S Formula Conversion
In a Conversion Table, you may calculate joint & survivor conversion factors at various lookup ages and store the values in the table by selecting the J&S Formula Conversion option after checking the Calculate factors box, and then clicking the Params... button to Calculate J&S conversion factors using a formula that starts with a Base factor (e.g., 0.0866) at a pivotal age. (This pivotal age, usually the plan's normal retirement date, is assumed to be the same for the member and beneficiary). Then, enter the value to be added (+) to the base conversion factor for each integral age that the member's age precedes the specified age. E.g., + 0.005 times ({pivotal age} - x), where x = member age. The base conversion factor will be subtracted when the member's age is greater than the pivotal age. Finally, enter the value(s) to be subtracted (-) from the base conversion factor for each integral age that the member's age exceeds the beneficiary's age. E.g., - 0.002 times (x-y), where x = member age, y=beneficiary age. You can enter multiple adjustment factors for tiers of differences between the member age and the beneficiary age, such as when the age difference is above or below 10 years by starting a new row From x-y=10. The value will be added when the beneficiary's age exceeds the member's age. ProAdmin will compute the values and fill the table, while remembering the formula used for your convenience.
When all parameters are entered, click Generate to calculate the factors and exit the Apply J&S Formula parameters dialog box. ProAdmin will calculate the J&S conversion factors and populate the conversion table with them. If the table already contains values, ProAdmin will warn you that your calculation will replace values currently in the table. To exit the Apply J&S Formula parameters dialog box without replacing the current values, click Cancel.