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Valuation Set Exhibits

The Valuation Set Exhibits command allows you to create pre-designed funding and expense exhibits for a Valuation Set created under the Valuation Sets command of the Execute menu. If the specified Valuation Set references more than one “event” (e.g., a plan amendment, an assumption change), the exhibits can be displayed reflecting just the baseline Valuation and, successively, each event Valuation.

In order to generate the exhibits, you are asked to specify:

The list of exhibits will include only those exhibits supported by your parameter settings. For instance, in the U.S. qualified mode, if the law selection for your Asset & Funding Policy is “Pre-PPA”, the PPA exhibit developing the funding target will not be available.

You can select as many exhibits as you wish and then click the View button to see the results. ProVal then will rerun the Valuation Set in order to get all of the necessary detail for the exhibits.


Report Writing

If you are satisfied with the exhibits, you can then Print them or save them to a File, by clicking the appropriate button. The options for saving to a file are:


Census Exhibit(s)

The following exhibits of plan participant data (i.e., the Census) are available:

Active Participant Data An age-based, service-based table that provides head counts broken down into “buckets” of age and service. Average salary and, in the U.S. qualified pension mode, average cash balance account values are included in the buckets in accordance with your parameter settings under the Active Data topic of the Census Specifications. In the U.S. qualified mode, you may optionally display average accrued benefit amounts instead of average salaries (selection made in the Census Specifications).
Inactive Benefits Inforce Available in the pension modes, an age-based table that provides head counts and the average annual benefit amount broken down, by age “buckets”, into three categories: annuities, insurance and lump sums. The breakdown is provided separately for vested plan members and for all other inactive members.
IRS - Schedule of Active Participant Data Available in the U. S. qualified mode, this is a variant of the Schedule of Active Participant Data with “0” displayed for salary and cash balance account values in buckets representing low head counts, as determined in accordance with IRS instructions for completing Schedules B, MB and SB.


Employer Contributions Exhibit (U.S. qualified mode)

Select this exhibit to see how ProVal has applied cash contributions and credit balances entered in a contribution schedule under the Contribution Policy topic of the Asset & Funding Policy command. There are up to four sections detailing the application of cash and credit balances to each required quarterly contribution and to any remaining payment needed:

Under the "PPA" law selection, this exhibit shows credit balances applied and cash contributions discounted to the beginning of the current plan year, both at the effective interest rate (in the column labeled “at EFF i”) and at the effective interest rate with late interest applied (in the column labeled “w/ LI”). The value of the credit balance applied is always shown as of the beginning of the plan year. The beginning-of-year discounted (cash) contribution values are displayed in two ways:

The difference between the values in these two columns is displayed in the column (on the far right of the exhibit) labeled “Late Interest (LI).” This column is provided to make it clear which payments satisfy required quarterly contributions but are paid after the quarterly due date. If a payment satisfies more than one quarterly contribution and more than one of these quarterly contributions is late, the discounted value in the “w /LI” column will include only the late interest applicable to the first late quarterly contribution the payment satisfies. Additional lines will show a negative amount equal to the late interest on the subsequent late quarterly contributions that are (also) satisfied by this payment. Adding up all of the lines applicable to this payment will give you its discounted value, reflecting late interest, as of the beginning of the plan year. Additionally, if a credit balance is used to satisfy one or more late quarterly contributions, the total amount of the late interest on those quarterly contributions will be displayed, in the “w/ LI” column, as a negative number in a row (near the bottom of the exhibit) labeled “CB late interest”.

Under the “PPA” law selection, credit balance amounts in the three “Contribution applied” columns – labeled “Required”, “Available” and “Applied” – are as of the following dates:

The amount shown in the “Required” column for a credit balance applied to the remaining payment is computed as the beginning-of-year preliminary MRC (i.e., before application of any credit balance) minus the beginning-of-year value of any required quarterly contributions, accumulated with interest to the date shown in the first column of the exhibit (labeled “Date funds avail.”).


Employer Contribution Exhibit

Note regarding the U.S. qualified mode: ProVal displays a minimum contribution per statutory constraints that reflects the total cash contribution for the current plan year, with no interest adjustment because contribution timing is not taken into account (that is, the actual payment dates and the payment due dates are disregarded – ProVal simply adds the contribution amounts up). Thus ProVal reflects any actual current year cash contributions entered in the contribution schedule (made through the Schedule Date). If the actual cash contributions entered are insufficient to meet the plan year’s minimum funding requirement (MRC), to the extent the additional amount needed will not come from application of a credit balance (if one exists), ProVal presumes, for exhibit purposes, that there will be more cash contributions, made after the Schedule Date, to meet the MRC and includes these presumed additional amounts in the statutory minimum contribution displayed.  This is a consequence of ProVal’s assumption of a “statutory minimum” contribution policy when a Contribution Schedule is reflected.  (The contribution schedule and employer contribution policy are entered under the Contribution Policy topic of the Asset & Funding Policy.) 


Multiemployer plan amortization relief (U.S. qualified mode)

For both the prospective calculation and the retrospective calculation, amortization details are displayed in the Development of Minimum Basis Amortization exhibit. For the retrospective calculation, the Development of 431(b)(8)(A) Amortization exhibit displays the calculation of the Eligible Net Investment Loss (ENIL).


IRS - Projection of Expected Benefit Payments (U.S. qualified mode)

This exhibit is available in a Valuation Set for PPA law types and for Pre-PPA and Multiemployer law types if the unit credit liability is turned on in the underlying valuation assumptions. Intended to serve as the attachment to Line 26b of the Schedule SB, funding projected benefit payments are displayed for the next fifty plan years beginning on the valuation date, separated between active participants, terminated vested participants (inactive participants not in pay status), and retirees & beneficiaries (inactive participants in pay status). ProVal determines which participants are considered "in pay status" or not based on the "benefits in receipt split" parameter found in the "Benefits, Roll Forwards, and Rounding" topic of the Asset & Funding Policy. Active participant projected benefit payments are displayed on a unit credit accrued liability basis or, for PPA law types, on a not-at-risk accrued liability basis.