Census Data
The Census Data topic of the U.S. PBGC XRA tool tells ProVal where to find fundamental participant data in the specified database.
The Calculation Date is the day used to determine each participant’s age and, if applicable, service. See section 4010.8(a) of PBGC Regulations for information on determining this date for 4010 calculations. Generally, this date would be the end of the information year.
The Status field indicates which database field contains the code identifying each record’s status as of the calculation date. The codes map the entry in your status field, the Field Label, to the ProVal Status, which can be “Active”, “Vested” or “Not-applicable”.
Select the date field that contains the Date of Birth of each participant. This will be used to calculate attained age at the calculation date, attained age at decrement for participants whose ProVal Status is “Vested” and the year of unreduced retirement age.
Next enter the information requested by the Retirement rate category determined by parameter, needed to calculate each participant’s Retirement Rate Category. Select the numeric field that contains the Annual Accrued Benefit for participants whose ProVal Status is “Active”. If the selected accrued benefit field is as of the beginning of the year, check the plus Accrual box and enter the amount of annual accrual, for the current year, to add to the accrued benefit. The annual accrual will not be applied for vested participants, who are assumed to have a zero current year accrual. ProVal will convert the accrued benefit to a monthly amount to determine the Retirement Rate Category. Check the Assume Vested in High Category box if all “Vested” participants are in the High Retirement Rate Category, regardless of the amount of their accrued benefit.
Enter an age in the If eligibility never met, set URA to text field. This age will be used if a participant does not satisfy the criteria for Unreduced Retirement Age (URA), discussed under the Active Retirement Ages and Vested Retirement Ages topics. For example, if the criteria for URA is age 65 with 5 years of service, service is frozen and a participant has less than 5 years of service on the calculation date, this age will be used.