Extracts an array of values at specified dates.
#GETASOF is available in salary, service, and multiplier transformation expressions, Data Defaults, Benefit Definitions, Accrual Definitions, and SubFormulas.
a is a date, an array of dates, an expression, 'P' (get previous value of b), or 'N' (get next value of b). In Benefit Definitions, Accrual Definitions and Subformulas, a may also be a component name.
b is an array of values created by temporary assignment. In Data Defaults and transformation expressions, b can also be an array field. In transformation expressions, b can be #DATE or #THIS. In Benefit Definitions, Accrual Definitions, and SubFormulas, b can be #DATE or a component.
#GETASOF works somewhat differently in Data Defaults than in other places because #DATE, the set of calculation dates, is not defined when Data Defaults are evaluated. In Data Defaults, when b is an array field (and a is not 'P' or 'N'), zero is returned for any dates in a that are not stop dates of a start/stop array field, or any dates in a that are not within the date ranges associated with an effective date array field. For non-Data Default evaluations (i.e., transformation expressions, Benefit Definitions, Accrual Definitions and SubFormulas), when a date in a is in #DATE (the set of calculation dates), the value of b associated with that date is returned; otherwise zero is returned.
If a is a scalar date (a single value), then a #GETASOF b works just like a #GETVALUE b, and returns the single value of b associated with date a (zero is returned if a is not in #DATE, or if a is not an effective or stop date in field b).
When a is 'P' (previous value of b) or 'N' (next value of b), all the values in b are shifted. For example, if b is an array and contains the values 1 2 3 4 5, then 'P' #GETASOF b returns 0 1 2 3 4 and 'N' #GETASOF b returns 2 3 4 5 0. Note that the previous value of the first item in b is always zero and the next value of the last item is always zero. If b is an array field (effective or start/stop), the values of the array are shifted and returned; the dates are not returned. In the case of transformation expressions, the initial 0 for "P" (previous value) or the final 0 for "N" (next value) may not appear in the Detailed Results because typically a reduced set of dates is displayed.
When b is a scalar (a single value), in transformation expressions, Benefit Definitions, Accrual Definitions, and SubFormulas, b is expanded into a #DATE number of identical values and then a is used to pull out the appropriate values. In Data Defaults, which are evaluated before a set of calculation dates has been defined, when b is a scalar, a is ignored and the scalar value of b is returned.
The left argument to #GETASOF can be an expression. For example,
in a transformation, Benefit Definitions, Accrual Definitions, or subformula expression: (#ENDMTH #DATE) #GETASOF xyz
However, you will not see the results of these expressions in the expression details found in the Detailed Results. To make testing easier, set a temporary variable equal to the expression (e.g., T_DT:=#ENDMTH #DATE &) and then use that temporary variable as the left argument (e.g., T_DT #GETASOF xyz). This way you can easily verify that the left argument is correct and that you are retrieving the appropriate value out of the right argument.
Example 1 (data default expression)
GFSVC is an effective date array which contains grandfathered service which has been earned at various locations. LOC is an effective date array indicating which locations you have been in. The following default expression creates an effective date array that only contains the grandfathered service from location BCB (=1):
LOC contains
Date Code (desc) 1/01/1980 1 BCB 1/01/1990 2 MWC 1/01/1999 1 BCB 1/01/2012 2 MWC GFSVC contains
Date Service 1/01/1990 10.00 1/01/1999 9.00 1/01/2012 13.00 GFS_DT:= #START GFSVC & ; effective date of each grandfathered service
SVC := #VALUE GFSVC & ; the amount of each grandfathered service
; Because of the way the data is reported, we need to ask "what is my location"
; on the day before the grandfathered service became effective! For example,
; what is my location on 1/1/90? It’s MWC. What is my location on 12/31/89?
; It’s BCB. Where was the grandfathered service reported on 1/1/90 earned? BCB.
for each grandfathered service, what location was I in
if you are in location BCB, COND is true (1); otherwise, COND is false (0)
if you're NOT in BCB, zero out the grandfathered service effective date
12 #ARRAY (AdjGFS_DT, SVC) ; create an effective date array
; NOTE: #ARRAY automatically drops any row with a zero effective dateAfter applying this data default, the grandfathered service for BCB is:
Date Service 1/01/1990 10.00 1/01/2012 13.00
Example 2 (salary transformation expression):
This example demonstrates how #GETASOF treats start/stop array fields differently than #THIS and temporary variables created by assignment. #GETASOF can only get values at the stop dates in a start/stop array field, but it can find all of the available calculation #DATE dates (e.g., every measurement period end date) in #THIS and in arrays created by assignment. Moreover, if a field is assigned to a temporary variable within a transformation expression, it is automatically projected in order to create a value for each #DATE date. If the assignment occurs during an Estimated Benefit Calculation, the last known value is assumed to remain level in the future regardless of the Projection Assumption salary increase assumptions. If the assignment occurs during a Final Benefit Calculation, zero is used for all future measurement periods because there will be no more salary earned.
Assume salaries are reported on a calendar year basis, the measurement period is calendar year, salaries are projected at 3%, and projected salaries are allocated using calendar days (i.e., the projected salary is: annual salary * (1+#DATE-beginning of year)/days in year.). The actual Salary data, which will be accessed directly in the transformation and which is also accessed in the Salary History, is as follows:
Salary Start Stop Value 7/16/1998 12/31/1998 22983.87 1/1/1999 12/31/1999 52000.00 1/1/2000 12/31/2000 54080.00 1/1/2001 12/31/2001 56243.20
The following expressions illustrate three alternative salary transformation results. R1 uses #THIS, R2 uses a temporary variable created from the Salary field and R3 uses the Salary field directly.
DATES:= #DATE & ; every date available to the calculation
EOY_DT:= #ENDMTH (1 #LSTBUSDAY #DATE) & ; round every date to the end of the year
; For example, 7/16/1998 is in #DATE. At 7/16/1998, EOY_DT contains
; 12/31/1998 instead of 7/16/1998.
R1:= EOY_DT #GETASOF #THIS & ; get end of year values from #THIS
; For each date in #DATE, R1 contains the value of #THIS at an end of a year.
; #THIS contains the salaries from the Salary History, after various
; adjustments and projections (as defined in the Salary Definition) have
; been applied. Since this is an estimate, #THIS would contain salaries
; projected, from the last reported salary, at 3%.
S:= SALARY & ; assign the salary start/stop array field
R2:= EOY_DT #GETASOF S & ; get end of year values from S
; The values in the last measurement period of the SALARY field are used
; to project the salary into the future and then assigned to the temporary
; variable S. The projection of a field in a transformation expression
; never uses the salary inflation or merit scale. (Even if this Salary
; History is based on the SALARY field!) Only #THIS can have salary
; inflation or merit scale! This is one of the many reasons that
; THIS <> S, S <> SALARY field, and #THIS <> SALARY field!
; The left argument to #GETASOF is an array field, so #GETASOF only looks at
; the stop dates in that field to get values. Since #DATE always contains
; many more dates than just the stop date in the array field, most of the
; values in R3 will be zero!
Here are the results of the above transformations for the illustrative Salary field:
#DATE EOY_DT #THIS R1 S R2 SALARY R3 … 12/31/1997 12/31/1997 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1/1/1998 12/31/1998 0.00 22983.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 22983.87 7/16/1998 12/31/1998 0.00 22983.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 22983.87 12/31/1998 12/31/1998 22983.87 22983.87 22983.87 22983.87 22983.87 22983.87 12/31/1999 12/31/1999 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 6/30/1999 12/31/2000 0.00 54080.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54080.00 12/31/2000 12/31/2000 54080.00 54080.00 54080.00 54080.00 54080.00 54080.00 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 56243.20 56243.20 56243.20 56243.20 56243.20 56243.20 1/17/2002 12/31/2002 2698.13 57930.50 2619.55 56243.20 0.00 0.00 11/13/2002 12/31/2002 50312.24 57930.50 48846.83 56243.20 0.00 0.00 12/31/2002 12/31/2002 57930.50 57930.50 56243.20 56243.20 0.00 0.00 12/31/2003 12/31/2003 59668.41 59668.41 56243.20 56243.20 0.00 0.00 …
Example 3: Please see the FAQ "Adjusting cash balance values for distributions and repayments" for an example of using #GETASOF in an accrual definition basis formula.
Examples of how NOT to use #GETASOF in a Data Default
If you're defaulting a scalar, the following default will abort because too many values are returned (the default expression for a scalar should return a single value):
A_DT:= #START EarnHistBase & ; ALL the start dates in EarnHistBase
A_DT #GETASOF EarnHistBase
If you're defaulting a numeric start/stop array, the following will abort because you didn't create an array (just a set of values without start and stop dates):
A_DT:= #START EarnHistBase &
A_DT #GETASOF EarnHistBase
The last line of an array default should contain #ARRAY to create an array!
If Salary is a numeric start/stop array with 5 rows and Bonus is a start/stop array with 4 rows, then this default will abort because you are trying to create an array with 5 start dates, 5 stop dates, and 4 values (from the Bonus array)!
B_DT:= #START Salary &
E_DT:= #STOP Salary
VB := #VALUE Bonus &