Miscellaneous Parameters
The Dates & Ages section controls certain date- and age-related calculations:
The Beginning of the middle of the month radio button specifies the assumed beginning of the second half of the month. Select either the 15th or the 16th. This parameter is used in salary and service calculations to control the range of semi-monthly measurement periods and the calculation of semi-month adjustments.
When checked, the Adjust commencement dates to the beginning of the month coincident or following checkbox sets all commencement dates to the beginning of the month coincident or following. For example, a commencement date of 4/1/2015 would remain 4/1/2015 and a commencement date of 4/2/2015 would be set to 5/1/2015.
When checked, the For end of month birthdates, grant a full month of age by month end checkbox indicates that the age of a participant or beneficiary with an end of month date of birth will be given credit for the month by the end of month. For example, if a birthdate is 01/31/1956 and the calculation date is 6/30/2013, the age determined would be 57y 5m (not 57y 5m -1d). Additionally, if a birthdate is 01/30/1956 and the calculation date is 6/28/2013, the age determined would be 57y 5m -2d (no adjustment is made).
When checked, the Calculated minimum required distribution age always 70 1/2 checkbox indicates that the provisions of the Secure Act and the Secure Act 2.0 to increase the minimum required distribution age after 12/31/2019 should be ignored. Therefore, age 70 1/2 will be used in the determination of minimum required distribution dates.
The Extra calculation dates (#DATE) section allows you to include calculation dates in addition to ProAdmin's default dates of every plan year end and every commencement date.
Checking the Include End of: checkbox allows you to include additional "standard dates". This may be useful for cash balance plans, to provide calculation detail to plan members. Choose Months to have all calculations done at the end of each month in the calculation period. Choose Bi-weeks, with an end of to have all calculations done at the end of each bi-weekly period. When selecting bi-weeks, a date field from the Data Dictionary must be specified to indicate one end-of-bi-week date from which all of the other end of bi-weeks will be determined.