Home > Calculation Setup > Plan Definitions > Benefit Definitions > Benefit formula > Benefit Formula Components > Annuity Factor > Mortality, Interest & COLAs

Mortality, Interest & COLAs

The Mortality, Interest & COLAs  topic of annuity factors components has sections of parameters for mortality, Interest, Cost-of-Living adjustments (COLAs) and Timing parameters:

The Mortality section specifies the applicable mortality rates.  Choose a table from the Mortality Rates table library.  All mortality table types are permitted.  If you check Use the current applicable mortality for 417(e), the mortality table will automatically switch to use the appropriate IRS 417(e) table for calculation dates beginning 1/1/2008 and later.  This option is only available if one of the dynamic IRS applicable mortality tables for 417(e) is selected.  Additionally, if joint & survivor annuities are applicable, the beneficiary mortality must use the same mortality table as the member in order to use this feature.  If you check the Use zero mortality in the deferral period checkbox, zero mortality will be assumed during any deferral period for the primary annuitant's mortality and the beneficiary's mortality (if any). This checkbox will only be enabled if you select the deferral option under Payment / Calculation Period.  The checkbox to Freeze mortality at date in field is available when a dynamic or fully generational table is selected for the member mortality (but applies to both member and beneficiary mortality tables).  If selected, the mortality projection will be frozen at the applicable mortality rates in effect at the date defined by the selected scalar database field. 

The Interest section defines the interest rate during the payment and deferral periods of the annuity. Interest may be either a Static rate (or rates) or Based on an Interest Rate Table. There are three (3) options for Static rate:

If the interest is Based on an Interest Rate Table, the interest rate is determined based on the year and month of benefit commencement.  Select the applicable table from the Interest Rate Tables library. Checking the Apply PPA phase-in from this GATT Interest Rate Table checkbox indicates that the interest rates are determined based on the PPA rules to phase in from GATT interest rates to PPA spot interest rates between the 2008 and 2012 plan years. The multi-choice field selects the applicable GATT interest rate table.

Check the Use alternative interest rate in the deferral period checkbox to reflect a different constant rate or interest rate table during the annuity factor deferral period. This checkbox will only be enabled if you select the deferral option under Payment / Calculation Period.

If Freeze at decrement is checked, the interest rate(s) used for all calculation dates after the decrement date will be those in effect at the decrement date.

The Cost-of-Living Increases (COLAs) section defines the cost-of-living increase rate assumption during the payment period and the deferral period.

The Timing parameters section defines how and when benefits are paid.