Batch Estimate
The Batch Estimate calculation allows you to process a large group of Estimates at one time. ProAdmin will extract the data from the data source identified in the Database Linkage and process the calculations. All output can written to a Microsoft Access database (*.mdb or *.accdb) or to individual xml output result files in a specified directory (one file for each Estimate processed).
Some examples of where you might want to run a Batch Estimate instead of single Estimates are: you need to provide all active employees with a statement of their accrued benefits; the client is offering an Early Retirement Window for those employees that meet certain criteria; or you want to run an accrued cash balance account for all plan members to provide a quarterly statement.
There are two way to process a Batch Estimate. The first is using an external file, and the second is to write a Selection Expression in ProAdmin. If an external file is used, the file is a comma separated file (TXT or CSV) that contains the Person ID, Date of Decrement, Date of Commencement, (optionally) Beneficiary Date of Birth and Beneficiary Type Code for each calculation to be run. An example of a valid test file would be:
123-45-6789, 12/31/2010, 1/1/2011, 3/5/1968, 1
111-11-1111, 12/31/2010, 1/1/2014, 10/17/1970, 2
123-45-6790, 12/31/2010, 1/1/2012
123-45-6900, 12/31/2010, 1/1/2013, 3/5/1968
A person ID can appear more than once in the file. The beneficiary information is optional and can be included for only some of the records. The beneficiary type code is optional when the beneficiary date of birth is included, but if the beneficiary type code is to be included, the beneficiary date of birth must be included.
The Batch Estimate dialog contains the following parameters:
Name can be a phrase of any length. All characters are permissible. Include key information about the calculation that you are running.
Batch Census Data specifies the group of members for whom calculations will be run.
If selected, the File radio button allows you to specify the file name and path which provides the Person IDs, each with its own decrement date and commencement date, of the population for whom calculations will be run. Enter the file name (and, optionally, path) directly in the box. If no path is specified, the file is assumed to be in the client directory. Alternatively, click on the
button to navigate to the file and file path. If the folder is in the client directory, the file name will be displayed without a path.
If the Selection Expression radio button is selected, the Input button will be activated where you can specify the population in the Selection Expression and provide termination and commencement information.
Selection Expression is a logical expression for selecting records from the data source. While you are entering the expression, you can press the F1 key to see a summary of the available operators and field names. Clicking the
button for choosing a selection expression accesses the Retrieve Selection Expression dialog box. Pick the selection expression to retrieve by clicking its name in the list of selection expressions in the current project. You will return to the preceding dialog box, and the selection expression will appear in the expression box.
The Decrement Date section allows you to specify that the decrement (e.g., termination) date is either constant or variable. If Constant, enter the decrement/termination date in the format MM/DD/CCYY. If Variable, select the appropriate Defined by an Eligibility Definition: Eligibility Definition and the Using Service Definition Set: Service Definition Set for ProAdmin to evaluate. ProAdmin will first process a Dates/Age/Service calculation to determine the decrement/termination date.
The Commencement Date/Age section allows you to specify that commencement is at a constant date, a constant age, standard calculated date or is variable. If Constant date, enter the commencement date in the format MM/DD/CCYY. If Constant age, enter the commencement age as an integer. If Standard calculated date, select Plan Definition normal retirement, Social Security normal retirement, Minimum required distribution or April 1 of year following age 70 1/2. If Variable, select the appropriate Defined by an Eligibility Definition: Eligibility Definition and Using Service Definition Set: Service Definition Set for ProAdmin to evaluate. ProAdmin will first process a Dates/Age/Service calculation to determine the commencement date.
Database Linkage is a multi-choice field from which you can choose an entry from the Database Linkage Library. The entry selected here should contain the parameters for selecting the database and field linkages that are needed for the batch run. Click the
button to access the library where you can modify an existing entry or create a new one.
Census Specifications allows you to select an entry from the Census Specifications Library. This entry will be used to appropriately interpret the census data for the members. Click the button to access the Census Specifications Library. From there you can create a new entry or modify an existing entry.
Plan Definition allows you to select an entry from the Plan Definitions Library. This entry will be the plan rules and formulas that will be used to determine the member’s benefit. Click the button to access the Plan Definitions Library. From there you can create a new entry or modify an existing entry.
Projection Assumptions allows you to select an entry from the Projection Assumptions Library. These are the rules regarding how data from the last reported data date through the decrement date are determined. Click the button to access the Projection Assumptions Library. From there you can create a new entry or modify an existing entry.
Output Definition allows you to select a Desktop Access (ACC) or Desktop XML (XML) entry from the Output Definitions Library that defines the output that will be provided by the calculations. Specifically, it defines the dates, ages, service, benefit components, salaries for final average earnings, etc. that will be written to the output file to then be used in the fulfillment process. Click the button to access the Output Definitions Library where you can create a new entry or modify an existing entry.
When you select a Desktop Access (ACC) Output Definition, the Output File contains the name (and, optionally, path) of the Access database where you would like to write the Output Definition results. If no path is specified, the file will be saved in the client directory. Click the button to navigate to a particular folder and file. If the folder is in the client directory, the file name will be displayed without a path.
If checked, the Field for processing messages box will cause the Run_Parameter table in the Access output file to include a field for processing messages. These messages are for completed calculations only.
When you select a Desktop XML Output Definition, the Output directory is the name (and, optionally, path) of the directory where you would like to write the xml files containing the Output Definition's xml results. You cannot write the xml files to the client directory (but a subfolder is OK). We recommend using a dedicated directory because a separate xml file will be generated for each Estimate performed during the Batch calculation. For each calculation, the name of the xml containing its results is PA_<personid>_<benefit commencement age or date in mm-dd-yyyy format>_<decrement date in mm-dd-yyyy format>.xml.
If you check the box to Replace existing xml output files (results) and the file already exists, the existing file will be replaced with the new file. If the box is not checked and a file already exists, ProAdmin will renumber the new file. For example, if the file PA_pid.xml exists, then the new file would be called PA_pid_2.xml. (And if PA_pid_2.xml exists, PA_pid_3.xml and so on would be created.) If you wish to preserve the old xml output result files, put the old results in a different directory or write the new results to a different directory.
The Stop after ____ aborted estimates (leave blank if no limit) parameter allows you to enter a number that sets a limit on the number of aborts that can occur before the job terminates. Estimates that have problems writing results to the Output File (e.g., Index or primary key cannot contain a Null value) are not technically aborts, but will be counted towards this limit.
If the Access database already contains results for Estimated Benefit, Final Benefit, and/or Date/Age/Service calculations, you will be presented with a dialog that allows you to Erase selected existing calculation records, Delete All Results from the calculation result tables within the specified output file, Replace the File completely with new results (which would delete any other tables contained within the output file including data that may be referenced by the Fulfillment Tool) or Append to File which will add new results to the existing calculation results tables within the output file.
If an XML result file already exists, the old xml output result file will be replaced with the new results or the new xml output result file will be renumbered (e.g., PA_pid.xml, PA_pid_2.xml, PA_pid_3.xml, ...).
Once the calculation starts it will show a counter indicating the calculation being processed out of how many.