Hours conversion
Hours conversion defines the rules that will be used to convert hours into units of service for the basic service calculation. These rules may be overridden in certain circumstances using the Alternative service calculation topic.
Hours field selects the hours array field from the Data Dictionary.
The Recognize reported hours at the parameter indicates how hours are reported. During measurement periods that end before decrement, reported hours are recognized at the stop date in the hours field array. During the measurement period which contains decrement date, the following two options become important.
Hours field stop date uses the stop date from the hours array. If the decrement date is earlier than the data stop date, the value will not be included.
Earlier of decrement and hours field stop date (within meas. period) is mostly used if the stop date is always at the end of the measurement period. If the decrement date is earlier than the data stop date, the value will be included.
Allocate reported hours by days, if checked, will re-allocate each reported hour over every day between its start and stop date. For example, if 2000 hours is reported for 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2010, then the hours are reallocated so that January has 2000*31/365 hours, February has 2000*28/365 hours, etc.. If there are extra dates within a month such as 1/11/2010, then the hours for January are reallocated even further as 2000*11/365 for 1/1/2010 to 1/11/2010 and 2000*20/365 for 1/12/2010 to 1/31/2010.
Accumulate hours by measurement period is available (unghosted) if the hours field is a start/stop array. If checked, the amounts for the array field selected are accumulated within a measurement period. This is used, for example, when hours are reported on a monthly basis but hours are evaluated on an annual basis. See accumulation examples for reported hours for detailed examples.
Transform hours to service by measurement period using a table or an expression:
Table makes use of three-column spreadsheet interface. The From column is where you enter the starting amount of hours, which is pre-filled at 0 for the first tier of service. The Up To column is not editable and will be set equal to the amount entered in the next following From field. The Service column is the amount of service that is earned. For example, a simple hours to service calculation would be:
From Up To Service 0 2000 0 2000 1 Expression allows you to use Data Dictionary variables with arithmetic (+, -, *, /, etc.), relational (=, <, >, <>, etc.), logical (#and, #or) operators along with if-then-else type statements and other ProAdmin functions to determine service. See expression operators. When you’ve selected the Expression radio button and placed the cursor within the box, you can press F1 for a list of available fields, operators and other useful information. (Tip: for example, 1 #min [#THIS/1950]) is an example of using an expression to transform the value for the measurement period, #THIS , by dividing it by 1950 and if the result is over one, limit it to one. In this case the measurement period is a year and members are being credited with a year of service if they work 1,950 hours or more during the year. If they work less than 1,950 hours, their service is computed by prorating hours worked in the year over 1,950 hours.
If events are not being used the next item will be an available check box:
Use a different hours calculation for decrement (and beyond) allows for a different transformation of hours to be used in the measurement period containing decrement. If the box is checked the Params... button becomes available with the following parameters:
Hours field can be specified as a different hours array (or the same one) from the Data Dictionary. The parenthetical comment under the hours field is a reminder of the choice on the prior dialog as to when reported hours are recognized. It will either say "(Recognized reported hours at the data stop date)" or "(Recognize reported hours at the earlier of decrement and data stop date)".
The Accumulate hours by measurement period checkbox is available (unghosted) if the Hours field is a start/stop array field. If checked, the amounts for the array field selected willbe accumulated within a measurement period .Transform hours to service by measurement period using a table or an expression to compute service during the measurement period containing decrement and beyond.
Table makes use of three-column spreadsheet interface. The From column is the starting amount of hours, which is pre-filled to 0 for the initial tier. The Up To column is not an editable field and will be set equal to the amount entered in the next following From column. The Service column is the amount of service that is earned for the specified range of hours.
Expression allows you to use Data Dictionary variables with arithmetic (+, -, *, /, etc.), relational (=, <, >, <>, etc.), logical (#and, #or) operators along with if-then-else type statements and other ProAdmin functions to determine service. See expression operators. When you’ve selected the Expression radio button and placed the cursor within the box, you can press F1 for a list of available fields, operators and other useful information. Click here for an example of an hours transformation expression.
Use prior event’s transformed hours as the minimum transformation, if checked, will use the original transformation method as a minimum.
If events are being used, the check box that is shown next:
Use prior event’s transformed hours as the minimum transformation that, if checked, will use the prior event’s (from the member’s list of events) transformation method as a minimum.
Overrides by Event(s) is where different hours conversions can set up for different events. Such events could be a rehire, a return from leave, a specific type of leave, layoff or other termination where the rules might change according to the event. The entries in the box are descriptions of overrides that have already been defined. Clicking on them (click to edit) will show the hours conversion methodology and the events to which it applies. An asterisk (*) by an override entry means that the override is not used for any events. Clicking on an existing entry or the “New…” button brings up the Hours conversion override dialog:
Description may be any descriptive phrase that identifies the override to you. The name can be of any length and may use any character including spaces.
Hours field could be a different hours array (or the same one) from the data dictionary. Reported hours will be recognized at the stop date in the array. The parenthetical comment under the hours field is a reminder of the choice on the prior dialog as to when reported hours are recognized. It will either say "(Recognized reported hours at the data stop date)" or "(Recognize reported hours at the earlier of decrement and data stop date)".
Accumulate hours by measurement period check box indicates that the amounts for the array field selected are to be accumulated within a measurement period.
Transform hours to service by measurement period using a table or an expression to compute service during the measurement period containing the event and measurement periods beyond the event to the next event.
Use prior event’s transformed hours as the minimum transformation indicates that the prior event’s transformation methodology will be used as a minimum.
Apply to Event(s) is where the selection of events to which the override applies is made. The asterisk (*) shows which events have already been selected in a different override. Should you select (check) an event with an asterisk (*), the event will no longer use the rules previously associated with the event, but will use the current override.
List: is a dropdown with three options for your convenience. Start & Stop Events show all events; Start Events shows only start events and Stop Events shows only stop events.
The Erase button removes the override that is being examined or setup.