Salary Definitions
Salary Definitions specify how an individual's salary history will be generated for inclusion in a Salary Definition Set.
Name: can be a phrase of any length, but must be unique among all Salary Definitions (including any hidden ones). All characters are permissible. Include key information about the salary definition within the name.
Salary History: selects an entry from the Salary History Library that will be used to create the salary definition. The button accesses the library to create and modify Salary History library entries.
Measurement period (used to group and count salary periods): selects the incremental time-span over which salary is determined. Valid measurement periods are: plan year, calendar year, anniversary year, quarter (plan year), quarter (calendar year), month, semi-month, bi-week and week.
Generate measurement period salaries from less frequent salaries (or Allocate reported salaries, for anniversary year measurement periods) is available (unghosted) when the measurement period is not plan or calendar year. If checked, it indicates that salaries are reported less frequently than the specified measurement period and ProAdmin should reallocate each reported pay into measurement period pays. For example, if a $60,000 salary was reported with a start date of 1/1/2010 and
a stop date of 12/31/2010, and the measurement period is monthly, then you
could re-allocate the $60,000 into 12 payments of $5,000, where each payment
occurs at the end of each month in 2010. If unchecked, salaries will be used directly from the data and allocated to the measurement period which contains the stop date. In the example above, if unchecked, $60,000 will be recognized at 12/31/2010, and allocated in its entirety to the December 2010 monthly measurement period. Allocation of salary is further defined within the Allocate and reflect salary topic.
End of measurement period: is needed when anniversary year, bi-week or week is selected as the measurement period. This date designates the end of any measurement. ProAdmin uses the date as a starting point to establish the ending dates for all other measurement periods by adding or subtracting 1 year for anniversary year, 7 days for weekly or 14 days for bi-weekly. The end of measurement period date can be specified as either a constant Date:, or as a value that potentially varies by member by choosing a date Field: from the Data Dictionary.
Select a topic to edit: contains several topics for various Salary Definition parameters. Click the topic name to access and edit the parameters.