Home > Calculation Setup > Plan Definitions > Benefit Definitions > Benefit formula > Benefit Formula Components > Table


A Benefit Formula Component or an Accrual Basis Component table type of component refers to a single benefit component table or conversion table for all records, or a collection of tables chosen according to the contents of a coded field in the database.

The most frequent use of benefit formula component tables are references by benefit formula components for early retirement factors and graded vesting schedules. An accrual basis component of the table type might be used, for example, to create a schedule of age-graded cash balance credits.

Pick the associated single table for all records from the list of tables already defined, or click the  button to access the benefit component (or conversion) table library. From there you can create new tables or modify existing ones.

If the component value varies by coded field, the contents of this field will determine the table used to assign a value to the benefit formula component. Select from the list of scalar coded database fields in the current project’s Data Dictionary. The codes for the field will populate the first column of the spreadsheet that becomes accessible. To assign values to the benefit formula component, choose the table (from among the list of all the benefit component (or conversion) tables in the current project) related to the field code. The spreadsheet will map the codes of the field to the related tables. To modify a table in the list or create a new one, click the  button to access the benefit component (or conversion) table library.

Benefit component (but not conversion) tables contain values that depend on age, service, sex, or a combination of these elements. The Using Service from Service Definition Set: drop-down selects the Service Definition Set that defines the appropriate service, where the <Base Service Set> default refers the the service defined under the Member Data topic of the Census Specifications. The  button accesses the library to create and modify Service Definition Sets. 

Click the Age/Interpolation button to specify how age, and service in the case of certain benefit component tables, is defined for table look-ups and to indicate whether or not the table values should be interpolated:

 Additional details about how ProAdmin calculates age are available in the Technical Reference article Age Calculations.