Home > Calculation Setup > Output Definitions > XML Output Linkage

XML Output Linkage

XML Output Linkages provide the flexibility to set up different output XML documents for different calculation processes.  They are referenced in Output Definitions that produce XML output (i.e., where the application type is either Server or Desktop (XML)).  The XML Output Linkage works in a similar manner to the XML Database Linkage.  In the XML Database Linkage, Data Field Links assign the relationship between the XML input document (i.e. paths/tag names) and elements in the Data Dictionary. Similarly, the paths/tag names on the XML output document are selected and named as XML output fields through the XML Output Linkage, and these XML output fields are paired with the calculated results through an Output Definition.  ProAdmin has several Reserved XML elements for fields that require a specific structure.  For example, non-constant interest rates have special features in addition to a scalar interest rate.

The first step in the process of creating a new XML Output Linkage is to import the XML output schema document. (XML schema documents have the extension .XSD.) Importing is done using the XML Schema button on the top of the dialog (to the right of the standard View button). Clicking the XML Schema button will display three choices:  Import, Export, and View.

Clicking the Import choice brings up the Import XML Schema Document dialog, allowing you to browse to and select the XML schema document that you are going to use. After selecting the XML Schema, click on the Open button. A message will display indicating if the import was successful. After a successful import, the bottom of the screen will display XML Schema: followed by the name of the XML schema that was imported.

Clicking the Export choice will bring up the Export XML Schema Document window. On this dialog box, you can browse to a folder and enter the name for the XML schema document that you are exporting. After selecting the file, click on the Open button. If the file name that you entered on the Export XML Schema Document does not exist, a message box will be displayed asking if you want to create this file.  If you select Yes, the XSD will be created. If you select No, you will return to the XML Output Linkage window. If the file name you entered exists, a message box will be displayed asking if you want to overwrite it.  If you select Yes the XSD will be created and overwrite the existing file. If you select No, you will return to the XML Output Linkage window.

Clicking the View button displays the current XML Schema in an indented format within a standard ProAdmin viewer dialog, allowing you, for example, to print, save to file (as an Excel, .CSV or .TXT document) or search the schema.

The XML Output Linkage dialog box has four tabs:

Schema Structure
Plan Dependent
Input Pass Thru

The input on the final three tabs are highly dependent on the parameterization of the Schema Structure tab which, in addition to defining the primary output containers, has several Select an output topic: items to further define the output:

Key Fields 
Audit Report 
User Defined Errors/Warnings  
Application Defined Errors/Warnings 
System Errors 

An asterisk (*) before any item in the list ("Incomplete topic definition") means that no output of this type will be included in the XML output.

The name of the imported schema document (or undefined before a schema has been imported) displays on the bottom of each tabbed dialog box, above the buttons.

You can modify the XML document generated by the XML Output Linkage and the Output Definition using an XSL stylesheet (defined in the Output Definition). For example, you could use an XSL stylesheet to move an input pass thru from the decrement level into every payment form, or you could use it to combine 2 or payment forms into a single payment form: making the xml documents generated by ProAdmin easier for your external systems to consume.

Please note that two XML Output Linkages may appear to be identical, but their internal ids for Plan Dependent and Input Pass Thru fields may differ, so if you have an Output Definition and switch the XML Output Linkage, the Output Definition fields may change without explanation (because the internal ids are different). Since the internal ids are shown on the XML Output Linkage view, it is advisable to compare XML Output Linkages before changing the reference in an Output Definition to make certain that only the desired changes are made.